Quests are various side tasks available in the game.
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List of Quests
Sprocket's Quest
Sprocket's Quest is located in Nightmare Rift.
A Sprocket has found a Whatchamacallit and wishes for you to deliver it to the Fallout Compound in Laputta Station. However, it cannot be taken through Funkeystown because the salty air from the bay will corrode the device. To complete this quest, you must use the Daydream Oasis portal below Vlurp Keep, and continue through the Oasis' Laputta Station portal near Dyer Digs. Upon arriving at the Fallout Compound, the scientists inside determine that the Whatchamacallit is useless.
Rewards: 500 Coins
Spicy Ingredient
This quest is located in Daydream Oasis.
To finish a recipe, a Berger needs you to travel to Funkiki Island and obtain a flaming coconut. After finding it from a coconut tree, deliver it to the Berger Haus.
Rewards: Caliente Cheesecake, 100 coins
Tally Ho
This quest is located in Kelpy Basin.
A Glub needs you to determine the quantities of various items around Terrapinia, such as rockets in Laputta Station and pieces of cheese in Daydream Oasis. Once you have counted all objects, the sum should add up to be 41.
Rewards: 5,000 Coins
Final Frontier
This quest is located in Laputta Station.
A Xener wants you to search for four computer chips located in Funkeystown, Magma Gorge, Kelpy Basin, and Laputta Station (needs confirmation). Once all are found, report back to Xener.
Rewards: 5,000 Coins, Galaxy Wallpaper
Frightened Nibble
This quest is located on Funkiki Island.
In the jungles of Funkiki Island, a Nibble is hiding, too afraid to run into a Native to leave. He asks that you find and deliver a Hoodwink to protect him.
Rewards: Bonsai Coin Plant
Sprout's Quest
Sprout's Quest is located in Funkeystown.
A Sprout needs you to escort her and her bees from the Perfume Pansy in Funkeystown to the Sprout Arboretum in Kelpy Basin. You cannot let the Sprout walk off of the screen, and she must enter the portals and rooms first.
Rewards: 200 Coins, Busy Buzzer
Funk Mail
This quest is located in Funkeystown.
A Waggs needs you to exchange mail between him and a Sol on Funkiki Island. After you have given the letter to the Sol, report back to him in Funkeystown.
Rewards: 100 Coins
Mix Master
This quest is located in Funkeystown.
A Scratch wants you to deliver music to King Sidd in the Hidden Realm. To do this, you must open all of the gates along the Path of Enlightenment.
Rewards: King Sidd Statue
Twinx's Quest
Twinx's Quest is located in Funkeystown. Quests were added in Update 3.2.
A Twinx wants you to locate five fallen stars located across Terrapinia. The stars are located in Daydream Oasis, Nightmare Rift, Funkiki Island, Magma Gorge, and the Hidden Realm. Once you have collected all of the stars, bring them to the Third Eye Science Labs in Paradox Green.
Rewards: Star Walk
Aiding the Resistance
This quest begins in Magma Gorge.
A Stitch is wandering the graveyard, waiting for someone to tell him the password supplied by the Resistance. After telling him the password, "Funkopotamus," he will inform you of the Resistance's mission and direct you to the Rom Nexus in Laputta Station.
Once at the Nexus, a Rom will direct you to collect four Anima. The Anima are located in four different game rooms in four different zones. After they have been collected, take them to a Fallout standing outside of the Fallout Compound.
The Fallout will combine the Anima to make an F-Chip. He then asks you to deliver the F-Chip to Mayor Sayso in Funkeystown, where he is standing behind the northern waterfall. After giving him the F-Chip, you must escort him to U.F.U.N.K. Studios, where the Resistance's message will be broadcast throughout Terrapinia.
Rewards: 10,000 Coins, Quest Gem
Snipe's Quest
Snipe's Quest is located in Paradox Green.
A Snipe will be walking around near the Ace Hanger looking for someone to escort him back to Snipe HQ so that he can deliver a secret weapon that the Ace have been working on to the resistance. Follow the Snipe back to HQ (you cannot let him walk off of the screen and he must enter the portals and rooms before you do).
Rewards: 1,000 Coins
Mulch's Quest
Mulch's Quest is located in Paradox Green. A Mulch will be wandering around slightly south of Mulch Co-Op. He will ask if you'd like to donate a single coin to in order to take a quiz and support the cause of reduce, reuse, and recycle. If answered yes you will be asked a random selection of the following questions (correct answers are in red):
Which of these materials can be Recycled?
● Glass ● Paper and Plastic ● Aluminum ● All of the above
Compact Flourescent Bulbs produce the same amount of light as traditional Incandescent bulbs while using less energy. How much less?
● 33% ● 44% ● 55% ● 66%
How long does it take an average piece of plastic to break down in a landfill?
● 4 years ● 40 years ● 400 years ● 4000 years
Paper that is made from recycled materials instead of virgin fiber requires how much less energy to make?
● 20% ● 50% ● 70% ● 90%
Recycling 1 glass bottle will save enough electricity to light a 100-watt lightbulb for how long?
● 10-30 minutes ● 1-4 hours ● 1-2 days ● 1-2 weeks
One tree can filter how many pound of pollutants from the air in a single year?
● 3 pounds ● 60 pounds ● 200 pounds ● 500 pounds
It takes how many trees to make 1 ton of paper?
● 17 trees ● 170 trees ● 1,700 trees ● 17,000 trees
When 1 ton of paper is recycled, how many gallons of water are saved?
● 70 Gallons ● 700 Gallons ● 7,000 Gallons ● 70,000 Gallons
Why should you recycle?
● Recycling saves energy ● Recycling saves landfill space ● Recycling saves clean air and clean water ● All of the above!
How many times can glass be recycled?
● 100 times ● 1,000 times ● 1 million times ● Almost Infinitely
How much energy is saved by recycling an aluminum can instead of creating a new one from raw materials?
● 95% ● 75% ● 55% ● 35%
What percentage of styrofoam can be recycled?
● 0% ● 20% ● 30% ● 50%
True or False: In order to conserve water, the best time to water your lawn is mid-day?
● True ● False
Which type of shopping bag is better for the environment?
● Paper bags ● Plastic bags ● Reusable cloth bags ● Lead bags
True or False: Unless they are unplugged, most electronic devices use energy even when they are turned off?
● True ● False
How many trees can be saved by recycling 1 ton of paper?
● 1 ● 7 ● 11 ● 17
What things can be created from Recycled Plastic?
● Clothing ● Carpet ● Flower Pots ● All of the above
Rewards: 20 Coins, A deep sense of accomplishment (this is a joke)
3.2: Introduced.
4.0: Mix Master quest added.
5.0: Twinx's Quest and Mulch's Quest added.