Guide:How to Play as Any Funkey Using CheatEngine

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This guide will go over how to play as any funkey using cheat engine. Links will be provided to cheat engine and a document with all the codes that can be used

Cheat engine:

Funkey codes:

After downloading UB Funkeys and cheat engine here's what you'll want to do:

1: click the small computer icon in the top left to open the process list

2: find MegaBite.exe in the process and open it

3: type the code 65520 into the text box and hit first scan

4: choose the second option

5: if it isn't added to the box at the bottom add it there yourself and click the box underneath active

6: double click value and then you can change it to any of the following numbers to change into any funkey

Data values for each Funkey are listed on their pages.