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729 bytes added ,  21:20, 1 February 2019
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(Created page with "'''The Flash''' is an unreleased Funkey, set to be released in the canceled D.C. Heroes expansion. Category:Funkeys Category:Unreleased Content")
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'''The Flash''' is an unreleased Funkey, set to be released in the canceled [[D.C. Heroes (Update)|D.C. Heroes]] expansion.
'''The Flash''' is an unreleased Funkey, set to be released in the canceled [[D.C. Heroes (Update)|D.C. Heroes]] expansion.
== Appearance ==
Flash's figure is based on D.C.'s classic design for The Flash. Common Flash would have the classic red uniform. Rare Flash would have the same color scheme with some yellow highlights to represent The Flash while running. Very Rare Flash would be based on Kid Flash.
== Trivia ==
* The Flash's figure seems to be based on [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_West Wally West's] costume.
* Very Rare Flash, similarly to the common and rare variants, seems to be based on [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_Flash#Kid_Flash|Wally_West Wally West's] tenure as Kid Flash.
== Gallery ==
File:FlashCommon.jpeg|Common Flash
File:FlashRare.jpeg|Rare Flash
File:FlashVeryRare.jpeg|Very Rare Flash

[[Category:Funkeys]] [[Category:Unreleased Content]]
[[Category:Funkeys]] [[Category:Unreleased Content]]


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