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jeebus funkey cries. this took forever
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=== [[Funkeystown]] ===
=== [[Funkeystown]] ===
Funkeystown is the first of the four base-game realms, which the player loads into when opening their save file. Funkeystown is the largest, most intricate map in the game, and uniquely has access to every other zone via Portals, special doors, and a dirigible. Funkeystown is the only realm that can access Paradox Green, Hidden Realm, and Royalton Racing Complex and its grandstands. Funkeystown is also distinguished by having the largest number of cleaning stations in any map, the largest amount of distinct Funkey tribes (two of which are [[Chat Funkeys]]), and the Funkey Codex, a compendium of every released figure in the game, which describes the lore of each playable tribe and character. The story of Funkeystown requires a total of four Funkey tribe game rooms to be played to a certain degree, wherein the tribes will bestow upon U.B. one of four purple shards that regenerate the purple Gem when collected.

The tribes native to Funkeystown include [[Lotus]], [[Scratch]], and- as of the Dreamstates update- [[Waggs]], [[Drift]], [[Dot]], [[Holler]], and [[Gabby]]. [[Mayor Sayso (Figure)|Mayor Sayso]], [[Henchman (Figure)|Henchman]], and [[Master Lox (Figure)|Master Lox]] became playable as part of the Funkeystown Adventure Pack, though Mayor Sayso's functionality technically extends to the other three base-game realms, and the red Henchman featured is modeled after the ones in Magma Gorge. The roaming enemy of Funkeystown is the purple Henchman.
=== [[Magma Gorge]] ===
=== [[Magma Gorge]] ===
Magma Gorge is one of the four base-game areas, set in a smoldering volcanic crater made up of black rock and running lava lakes. Among the interactive overworld elements are lava fountains that can be activated using a series of buttons, and a set of hidden fossils that- when completed- constructs a Funkosaurus skeleton for display in the Crib. As with the other base-game zones, the object of the story is to restore the realm's Gem by collecting its four shards.

The tribes native to Magma Gorge include [[Deuce]], [[Wasabi]], [[Bones]], and [[Stitch]]. The roaming enemy of the zone is the red Henchman.
=== [[Kelpy Basin]] ===
=== [[Kelpy Basin]] ===
Kelpy Basin is one of the four base-game zones, taking place in a tropical saltwater seafloor enclosed in blue rocks and padded with grounds of white sand. Among the crustaceans and urchins populating the seafloor is a small series of buildings not dissimilar to the architecture seen in Funkeystown. Castles also dot the area's ground, making the zone resemble a fish bowl. Notably, it is the first realm to distinctly sanction itself into set chunks of tribe-specific theming, in that its lower right region is shrouded in starry clouds, its upper-right features a massive greenhouse, its upper left features a tribal outpost, and its lower left features a massive fish castle. As with other zones from the base game, its story requires the completion of the realm's shattered blue Gem by collecting four of its shards.

The tribes native to Kelpy Basin include [[Glub]], [[Sprout]], [[Tiki]], and [[Twinx]]. The roaming enemy is the blue Henchman.
=== [[Laputta Station]] ===
=== [[Laputta Station]] ===
Laputta Station is one of the four base-game areas, set in a space station somewhere in Terrapinia's orbit. The futuristic launch base features spherical buildings, a stunt stadium, and a research base surrounded with barbed wire. The station is anchored to a mass of purple rock, where a crashed alien saucer and a suspicious cave are located. As with other base-game zones, the objective is to recover the area's broken green Gem by playing the tribes' games to find the four shards.

The tribes native to Laputta Station include [[Xener]], [[Boggle]], [[Vroom]], [[Fallout]], and [[Rom]]. The roaming enemy is the green Henchman.
=== [[Funkiki Island]] ===
=== [[Funkiki Island]] ===
Funkiki Island is the first post-launch realm added to the game, added as the core new feature in Update 2.0. It is a tropical island, specifically one based on depictions of Hawaii (as referenced in the area's Spanish localized name). The island has serene, sandy beachfronts with a resort, postcard shop, and pier. The middle of the island is an intricate, maze-like jungle, featuring two game rooms on each end. Part of the island's mountainous northern region has been artificially turned into a snowy ski resort, with an icy fishing hole. The upper right region of the island can only be accessed by obtaining items from each tribe's game room in its story, granting access to a tribal settlement at the mouth of the island's massive volcano.

The tribes native to Funkiki Island include [[Sol]], [[Nibble]], [[Webley]], [[Flurry]], and [[Rewind]]. The area's roaming enemy is the [[Native (Character)|Native]]. [[Native (Figure)|It]], as well as the new guide character [[Jerry Pearl (Figure)|Jerry Pearl]] and the Native's leader, [[Pineapple King (Figure)|the Pineapple King]], all became fully playable as part of the Funkiki Island Adventure Pack.
=== [[Royalton Racing Complex]] ===
=== [[Royalton Racing Complex]] ===
The Royalton Racing Complex is a collaboration area featuring content and story beats from the 2008 Speed Racer movie. The realm itself features no objective, but introduces the guide character Spiel and the shopkeeper Con. Royalton Racing Complex and its grandstands were introduced sometime between versions 2.0 and 3.0, and both can be accessed in doorways placed near the top of Funkeystown, as opposed to the usual Portal system. The complex is a massive network of active racetracks, with hazardous cars running past on occasion. In the top right, E.P. Royalton's massive, regal tower can be accessed, leading to distinct rooms that feature a casino game room and the realm's special Codex, with information on the licensed characters present in the zone.

=== [[Royalton Racing Complex Grandstands]] ===
The Royalton Racing Complex's grandstands can be accessed in a separate door. The seats surround the whole of the racing zone, and are populated with various random Funkey tribes from throughout the game, including an otherwise unplayable one. There are no activities in the grandstands.
The Funkeys featured in this zone include [[Speed Racer]], [[Chim-Chim|Chim-Chim]], [[Trixie]], [[Racer X]], [[Snake Oiler]], and [[Cannonball Taylor|Jack "Cannonball" Taylor]]. Of note is the canceled second wave of figures to be released in this zone, including another variant of Speed Racer, [[Taejo]] (who is featured in the codex and has a functioning game room that can be played with a Portal Jammer), and an adventure pack featuring [[E.P. Royalton (Figure)|E.P. Royalton]] and the zone's enemy, [[Thug (Figure)|Thug]]. Royalton and Thug were never implemented into the game, consequently making Thug's overworld enemy sprite nonexistent, thus making the enemy invisible, save for its moving shadow. The original NPCs that populate the area and its shops, the [[Tach]] tribe, were also to get their own figure, but were also unreleased.

=== [[Daydream Oasis]] ===
=== [[Daydream Oasis]] ===
Daydream Oasis is one of the two Dream States realms, though it was curiously added in Update 3.1, while its counterpart was released in Update 3.0. Despite this, Daydream Oasis is commonly listed first when both realms are advertised or spoken of, including in their shared introductory cutscene. Daydream Oasis was created by Dr. Tinker when he made a Portal leading directly to a land made up of all Funkeys' combined desires and dreams. Thus, the unnatural landscape is made up of mystical, jolly iconography, taking the appearance of an intricate island floating in a rainbow ocean. Its bottom left region features a submarine, a mountain of blocks, various optical illusions built into the marbled terrain, and a bauble-decorated tree. The bottom left is a forest of multicolored mushrooms, featuring a zen millipede who can be interacted with. The upper left is a series of cloudy, heavenly islands linked by rainbow bridges, also featuring a fuzzy brown goon of Master Lox, who blocks a mysterious stairway. The upper right region is made up of various confections and dairy products. Unlike all other zones, Daydream Oasis requires the use of items from its counterpart, Nightmare Rift, to defeat its enemy and complete its story.

The tribes native to Daydream Oasis include [[Lucky]], [[Dyer]], [[Tank]], and [[Berger]]. The zone's roaming enemy is [[Dali (Character)|Dali]]. The zone was originally going to feature a unique guide character who would serve as a light counterpart to Nightmare Rift's Marshall, but ultimately, the two zones would share the same guide. [[Dali (Figure)|Dali]] and the cut [[White Marshall]] were originally planned to be made into playable characters, but their Adventure Pack remained unreleased.
=== [[Nightmare Rift]] ===
=== [[Nightmare Rift]] ===
Nightmare Rift is one of the two Dream States realms. It was added in Version 3.0. While Daydream Oasis was born from the positive dreams of Funkeys, Nightmare Rift came into being as a polar opposite to it, being born from young Funkeys' fears and nightmares. As such, the zone is an incongruous medley of bleak settings. Its upper right region is a scrapyard, its upper left region is a ruined desert civilization modeled after ancient Egypt, its lower left region is a warzone featuring ruined monuments and rooms from other realms, and its lower left region features a castle looking down upon a field made up of living, fleshy monsters. Daydream Oasis and Nightmare Rift have codependent storylines, as items from both zones' game rooms are needed to defeat each realm's enemy.

The tribes native to Nightmare Rift include [[Vlurp]], [[Ptep]], [[Sprocket]], and [[Snipe]]. The zone's roaming enemy is [[Goya (Character)|Goya]]. [[Goya (Figure)|He]], and the area's guide character [[Marshall (Figure)|Marshall]], were going to be released as playable characters, but their Adventure Pack remained unreleased.
=== [[Hidden Realm]] ===
=== [[Hidden Realm]] ===
The Hidden Realm is the zone added in Update 4.0, being its primary feature. It is an oriental kingdom of Oni, positioned atop a massive gray mountain shrouded in magic fog. While the area is much smaller and more streamlined than a usual realm, advancing in its storyline requires the use of up to 10 Funkeys to open a series of gates, and behind each gate lies a feature or game that any Funkey can access. Instead of featuring unique game rooms for each new tribe, the Hidden Realm has a single fighting game available to all of its Funkeys simultaneously. A second story threshold exists for this game alone, as the zone's Gem is only obtained by completing the game with each of the realm's characters.

The tribes featured in the Hidden Realm- who are not actually native to it- include [[Yang]], [[Singe]], [[Bomble]], and [[Raj]]. [[Nectar]] and [[Maul]] would be added in Update 5.0, though only their Very Rare colors were released. The zone's roaming enemy- and guide- is [[Kane (Character)|Kane]]. [[Kane (Figure)|He]], as well as the story NPC [[King Sidd (Figure)|King Sidd]], had figures planned for an Adventure Pack, but they went unreleased.
=== [[Paradox Green]] ===
=== [[Paradox Green]] ===
Paradox Green, the final realm added to the game, was implemented in Update 5.0. The zone's centerpiece is the magical Gnomon Tree, which has been wilting as of late, causing the four season-themed domains that make up Paradox Green to drift away slowly. Each area is set in a different climate; the bottom left is an autumnal brook with a sea of lily pads, the bottom right is a summertime space station, the upper left is an imposing factory beseeched by constant winter snowstorms, and the upper right is a springtime garden. Each area has improvised materials acting as bridges to one another, as the cracks in the ground have grown too wide to walk over.
The tribes native to Paradox Green include [[Tadd]], [[Rastro]], [[Ace]], and [[Mulch]]. None of the tribes in this zone had more than one rarity produced. The zone's roaming enemy is the [[Henchmen 2.0|Henchman 2.0]].


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