Funkeystown Gem

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Funkeystown Gem is a cutscene in Funkeystown. It is shown upon receiving your fourth and final Gem shard in the realm and completing the Crystal Gem.

Image Speaker Transcript
FunkeystownGemCutscene1.jpg Mayor Sayso What a great day for all Funkeys! You have restored a Crystal Gem and captured its power! Now that the Gem shards have been put back together, the Gem's power is restored!
FunkeystownGemCutscene2.jpg Master Lox's Henchmen have not been so lucky! The energy released by the repaired Gem has caused their programming to go haywire.
FunkeystownGemCutscene3.jpg With Funkeystown littered with piles of broken down Henchmen, the city is in dire need of some cleaning. Hope the Boggle are hungry!
FunkeystownGemCutscene4.jpg All of Funkeystown breathes a sigh of relief, now that the Henchmen are history. However, the whereabouts of Master Lox is a mystery! No one seems to have witnessed his escape. Perhaps he's got more power left than we thought. If he's slipped into another zone we have no choice but to find him. Leave no stone unturned!