Just Veg Out

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Just Veg Out is a cutscene in Daydream Oasis. It is shown when the player encounters Dali for the first time.

Image Speaker Transcript
JustVegOutCutscene1.jpg Dali All hail Master Lox! Why it's my old pal Marshall, and he's brought a friend. I do love to entertain visitors.
Marshall I thought I smelled something...not so fresh...You really know how to spread around the fertilizer, don't you Dali?
JustVegOutCutscene2.jpg Dali Oh, Marshall, you really do just need to veg out for a while. Here, let me help you.
Marshall Hey, whatever you do, make sure not to look into its eyes!
JustVegOutCutscene3.jpg Dali Now that Marshall's in the Dali-zone, time to trim you down to size, my little shrub.