Grand Funkey Station

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Grand Funkey Station is a building located in Funkeystown. It provides access to Mayor Sayso's help desk and the Funkeys Crib Tram.

Help Desk

At the help desk, Mayor Sayso will provide various tips to players.

Funkeys Crib Tram

The Funkeys Crib Tram allowed players to access other Cribs. It provided three options:

  • Home - Transports players to their own Crib.
  • My Friend's Crib - This prompted players to enter a unique Funkey name. After the name was entered, they would be taken to that player's Crib.
  • Surprise Me - Transports players to a random Crib.

The "My Friend's Crib" and "Surprise Me" options became unusable after the game's servers were shut down.